Painting Realistic Portraits in Acrylic
$3.75 You Save 75%
Painting a realistic portrait can be an elusive endeavor for even the most experienced artist. If this is something you want to pursue in your creative practice, this is for you! In this 22-page downloadable PDF guide, artists Jessie Oleson Moore and Sara Barnes take you through 4 step-by-step tutorials that address different elements of realistic portrait painting in acrylics.
Follow along as Jessie lays out everything you need to know to mix believable skin tones—start with choosing the right reference image, followed by a detailed method for mixing up the right “local” color for your subject and navigating the variations of that color within your painting. Then Sara takes you through the essentials of realistic eyes and lips, and finally takes you through the full process of painting a portrait in acrylic paint in 5 clearly laid-out steps.